We Offers the Most Innovative, Durable, and Stylish Jumbo Bag in Saudi Arabia!

Jumbo bags are made with multiple layers of high-density materials, usually weighing over 5 pounds or more. The extra layers add the strength and long-term durability needed to hold weight when things get heavy, but they also make the bag heavier to carry.

We’re proud to offer you the largest selection of Jumbo Bag Manufacturers and carry-on travel bags. Whether you’re flying to Mexico or Italy, our jumbo luggage is there for you. We have one of the largest and most comprehensive selections of jumbo bags and carry-on travel bags, small packing bags, sports bags, duffel bags, valve packaging bag, and all types of handkerchief and cosmetic bags! We also feature many different styles of men’s jumbo and women’s carry-on travel bags.

Jumbo bags and their bigger size are one of the latest import trends in the market. They are designed with various facilities to match different needs, from a gift bag for wedding guests up to large gift bags for corporate buyers.

FIPCO bulk bags with handles are made of premium quality materials to provide for convenience, functionality, strength and durability. Inside, there is the tough sock lining, raising the level of your security. Because it is made in the US, the fact that our material is all qualified meets or exceeds the country’s regulations Jumbo bags are used for a wide range of applications, including carry-outs, promotional gifts, and even medical packaging. Limited marketing space on jumbo bags gives importance to graphics, design and

Most airlines will allow you to carry one bag measuring 22 inches in all combinations. At FIPCO, we are proud to be one of the leaders in this industry. We manufacture many different types of bags from 8 inches and smaller, string ties, roller conveyors, vertical winders and many more.


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